Menopause after Cancer by Dani Binnington – The Better Menopause Skip to content
Menopause after Cancer by Dani Binnington

Menopause after Cancer by Dani Binnington

Dani Binnington is the founder of the not-for-profit Menopause and Cancer who support women in menopause after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Here she shares her 5-point manifesto for menopause after cancer and we hope you find it useful.

1. Talk about it

Let’s start opening up about it so we all realise we’re not alone. It’s important you talk to the people that really get you! Join my private Facebook group the menopause and cancer chat hub other women in the same situation.

2. Find specific information on menopause and cancer

After breast cancer, surgery to remove my ovaries led me to early menopause, I had no idea what my treatment options were and who in my medical team could help me figure out what to do about my symptoms. I felt alone and unsupported. It took me so long to discover I had lots of options too. If only I’d known sooner! So I have created the Menopause And Cancer Podcast. Everything I wish I’d known back then is inside these conversations - so you can make the right choices now.

These episodes are a good place to start:

  • Rethinking Tamoxifen & Aromatase Inhibitors
  • Why I decided to take HRT after an oestrogen driven cancer
  • Alcohol & Me

3. Persist with your healthcare team

Don’t be fobbed off. Managing menopause after a cancer diagnosis may be more challenging and require more bespoke care, but it’s absolutely possible to do something about your symptoms. Think about taking someone with you to an appointment for a bit of moral support. As menopause care after cancer is usually more complex, you can be seen by a menopause specialist. Ask your healthcare team to refer you. This service is available on the NHS.

4. Empower yourself

You’ve been through such a lot already. You – and your body – deserve nourishment and care. Try my menopause nutrition tips, join us for a menopause yoga class or simply read some of the resources on our website Together, we can all have the empowered menopause we deserve.

5. Don’t give up

And lastly, I know that managing menopause after cancer can feel such a difficult situation to be in. And it can often seem that it’s an endless journey of suffering the many symptoms which can often very much reduce our quality of life. But please know that everything is always transient and there is always something you can do. Reach out to us!