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The Better Menopause Journal

A woman standing on a balcony facing the sun with her arms outstretched

How vitamin D can help with menopause

Everything you need to know about vitamin D and menopause, including the causes and signs of vitamin D deficiency, the...

Capsules on a spoon and powder in a pestle and mortar

HRT alternatives and complementary approaches

Learn about the herbal blends, probiotics, lifestyle changes and other prescription drugs that could help with menopause symptoms as an alternative...

A head shot of a woman looking stressed with one hand on her head

How does menopause effect ADHD and could it lead to a diagnosis?

Discover the links between menopause and ADHD, how hormone changes could lead to a diagnosis and what you can do...

Woman wearing a headscarf drinking from a mug

Understanding menopause anxiety and natural ways to manage it

How to spot menopause anxiety, the role fluctuating hormones play, how long it could last, where HRT comes in and...

A close up of a woman's mouth biting a red chilli pepper

Menopause burning mouth, dry mouth, sores and ulcers

Learn about the possible causes of burning mouth syndrome during menopause, the links to other oral health conditions and what...

A woman standing in a field of sunflowers with her arms outstretched

Why your body odour could change during menopause, and what you can do about it

Exploring the hormone changes and other factors that can affect body odour during perimenopause and menopause and what you can...

What Happens to Your Period During Perimenopause?

What Happens to Your Period During Perimenopause?

Thought you knew exactly where you were with your cycle, until all of a sudden everything changed? Erratic periods, heavy...

A woman lying in bed

What is restless legs syndrome and how is it linked to menopause?

Exploring the connection between restless legs syndrome and menopause, what it feels like and what you can do to relieve...

A woman experiencing anger or low mood

Menopause mood changes and what you can do about them

Discover the links between menopause, perimenopause and mood symptoms, as well as the lifestyle changes, supplements and other treatments that...

A woman lying in bed asleep

How menopause affects your sleep, and how you can improve it

Exploring the links between menopause, perimenopause and sleep problems, plus the natural remedies, treatments and supplements that could help.

Navigating HRT – Everything you need to know

Navigating HRT – Everything you need to know

Navigating HRT – Everything you need to know By Dr Rachel Hines Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plays a vital role...

A woman silhouetted against the sun

What causes menopause fatigue and what can you do about it?

From low energy to crashing fatigue, menopausal hormone changes could be causing your tiredness. Discover how the two are linked...

A woman walking through a field of long grass

10 ways to tackle your menopause anxiety

We assess herbal remedies, supplements, lifestyle changes and other treatments that may help with anxiety during perimenopause and menopause.

A woman sitting on a swing on a beach looking at the sea

Natural remedies for menopause mood swings and low mood

Experiencing irritability, mood swings or low mood? These herbal remedies, probiotic supplements, mindfulness approaches and lifestyle tips could help.

A woman holding a pumpkin

Does menopause cause constipation, and what can you do?

Discover the connections between fluctuating hormones and constipation, plus the natural remedies, lifestyle changes and treatments that can help.

A cup and saucer with chamomile tea and flowers

Herbal remedies, supplements and tips for better sleep during menopause

We look at six traditional herbal remedies that may improve your menopause insomnia, as well as other supplements and lifestyle...

Three women outside laughing together

How magnesium could help with your menopause symptoms

What does the science say about magnesium’s effects on menopause symptoms like sleep, anxiety and bone density, and which type...

Ashwagandha powder spilling out of a capsule

How ashwagandha could help with your menopause symptoms

Scientists are studying this ancient herbal remedy for its potential benefits for sleep, mood, anxiety, brain fog and hot flashes.

A woman silhouetted against the sky

The early signs of perimenopause and what age to expect it

What are the early signs of perimenopause, what age does it happen, how long does it last, is there a...

A woman sitting at a desk looking at a laptop

Have you started perimenopause? See our checklist of symptoms

A checklist of 49 symptoms, as well as a printable symptom tracker to help you keep a record of your...

A woman's hands, one laid over the other

Is menopause causing your tingling extremities, and what can you do?

If you’re experiencing tingling, numbness or a feeling of ‘pins and needles’ in your hands, feet, limbs, face or body,...

A woman wearing headphones looking out of a window

Do menopause hormone changes cause tinnitus, and what can you do?

How changing oestrogen levels may contribute to menopausal tinnitus, the different symptoms you could experience, and treatments that can help.

pink blossom tree

Embracing menopause: Celebrating the second spring of life

As the chill winter finally begins to fades and the first buds of spring begin to blossom, we find a...

Two women sitting on a hammock by a river

Why your painful, aching muscles could be menopause, not just age

How hormone changes could be contributing to your increased muscle pain, what symptoms to look out for and what you...

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