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Feel like you again.

Feel like you again.

It's not you. It's your hormones.

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There's a solution for that

Meet the hormones

Hormones are chemical messengers in the body communicating between our brain, gut, muscles and organs. They are vital and powerful and effect every aspect of our health and wellbeing.


Crucial for reproductive health and involved with every cell in our body. It is protective to our bones, heart. brain, skin, muscles and joints. It controls inflammation, affects our mood and our gut microbiome.


Balances menstruation and prepares the body for pregnancy. It supports sleep and a feeling of calm and wellbeing.


Regulates blood sugar, pivotal in energy management and fat storage.


Regulates blood sugar, pivotal in energy management and fat storage.


Manages stress response, affecting mood and energy. It involved in our metabolism of glucose.

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Better Night (2535 x 1138 px)-2.png

Our Consultations

We offer 1:1 nutritional therapy consultations and doctor-led appointments for tailored advice and treatment plans.

Our Consultations

We offer 1:1 nutritional therapy consultations and doctor-led appointments for tailored advice and treatment plans.

Real Women, Real Results

Tried, tested, and loved

  • Healthier

    I have noticed a difference in my waistline—less bloated. Taking last thing at night but have to sit up for a while to digest the capsule, l do take with lots of water. Had a few urgent bowel movements that have taken me by surprise 😲. Definitely want to continue.

    Katie Smith
  • Foggy brain bye bye

    The first and most noticeable symptom was the foggy brain . Probably 2 weeks into the first pack. In the second pack now, I noticed less anxiety pre menstrual.

    Marina Marcos
  • Anxiety symptoms improved

    I'm halfway through my first packet of the probiotics. My awful anxiety symptoms experienced in the morning are definitely alleviated. It also encourages me to eat in the morning when the anxiety is at its worst. I have the probiotic with porridge. I'll keep on going with my three month course. Thank you

  • Better gut biotics

    I am 56 and have tried every supplement going to help with troublesome symptoms ! So i saw these on a liz earle live on Instagram, so decided to give them a try...I have been taking them for around 3 week's now and really happy to say that my sleep , mood and bloating have all started showing signs of improving !

    Debbie Fry

Meet The Founder

Joanna Lyall, Nutirional Therapist

Joanna Lyall, Nutirional Therapist

Find Out More

What makes us different?

What makes us different?

For us, effective menopause management always begins with ensuring your gut health is properly supported, at a time when fluctuating hormones can significantly affect its vital daily functions

Our award-winning probiotic, The Better Gut, lays the foundation for your menopause tool kit and has made a real difference to so many of our communities' lives.

Many women find they need extra help with sleep and mood during perimenopause, as these two elements are closely linked. Using cutting-edge science, we formulated Better Night- a powerful blend of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals designed to improve your mood and promote a restful night's sleep during perimenopause.

Learn more

Science Meets Community

We are committed to crafting products that use the highest quality ingredients, supported by scientific research, to effectively address the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. We collaborate with esteemed doctors and specialists in the health and wellness field to ensure that our products provide proven efficacy.

At our core, we believe in forging genuine connections and nurturing meaningful communities. Through our TBM subscribers, followers, and valued partners, we cultivate a network that offers support and understanding. By attentively listening to their needs and insights, we develop products that are tailored to address their specific menopause-related health concerns.

Discover The Science

Science Meets Community

We are committed to crafting products that use the highest quality ingredients, supported by scientific research, to effectively address the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. We collaborate with esteemed doctors and specialists in the health and wellness field to ensure that our products provide proven efficacy.

At our core, we believe in forging genuine connections and nurturing meaningful communities. Through our TBM subscribers, followers, and valued partners, we cultivate a network that offers support and understanding. By attentively listening to their needs and insights, we develop products that are tailored to address their specific menopause-related health concerns.

Discover The Science

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Better You Bundle The Better Menopause
Better You Bundle The Better Menopause
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